
There are hundreds of species of Salvia, found widely around the world

Herbs are used for thousands of years in many cultures as an aid to healing. The number of plants known to have medicinal properties, has in recent years and today raised hundreds of thousands of known medicinal plants conveys knowledge of the doctor a few home with enough to contend with several problems. Sometimes dangerous side effects of many drugs trade is a sufficient reason to seek alternatives.
Then there is the cost of these drugs, which can be up to an amount well in time. Often for simple illnesses, the garden or keep in a closet may be what you need to provide relief.
It is a fact that herbs have been used for medicinal purposes for thousands of 6 Sanchez Green Jersey
years. Papyrus scrolls dating from ca. C. 1700 BC was found in Egypt recorded many common herbs such as garlic and juniper. Ayurvedic medical texts of 2500 BC, describes the use of herbs and food, to restore the balance of the body. Tibetan herb is largely controlled by the Lamas, is strong with Ayurveda and concentrates on the effects of karma in the current state of health. Traditional Chinese herbs is from 2500 BC and marked with therapies such as acupuncture or massage helped. TCM is becoming increasingly familiar in Western society and are skilled workers available. Herbalism is also rich in Anglo-Saxon tradition, the use of plants such as Betony, mugwort and vervain, Indian culture has given us herbs such as Echinacea, goldenseal and Boneset such. The fusion of these cultures is the list of plants for medicinal purposes from a few hundred in the first century AD, C, to this day to several thousand known. The knowledge of only a hundred of them gets the family doctor with the necessary tools to deal with most complaints.
We first look at the four pillars of the herb garden looks, immortalized in song: parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme. Parsley (Petroselinum) is widely used in the kitchen, parsley improves the taste of many foods. It is a critical ingredient in Bouquet Garni and Hamburg parsley root can be cooked as a root vegetable or grated raw in salads. Because of his aggressiveness, the plant grows best in pots. If you are superstitious, perhaps it is best not to plant parsley to a friend as a gift, it means that when the plant dies, and friendship. Medical, parsley is rich in vitamins such as vitamin C and is an excellent source of iron. A strong diuretic, parsley can to relieve the water retention and urinary tract infections. Its antiseptic agents as cover for insect bites and minor injuries can be used. Parsley tea is an effective treatment for head lice. Note: Avoid during pregnancy parsley. Salvia (Salvia) There are hundreds of species of Salvia, found in many parts of the world. He says it is a plant that memory improved and is associated with longevity.
Salvia officinalis, sage or purple is usually used in medicine, together with more than most scholars.
Sage is a useful companion plant to repel cabbage in the garden to the cabbage butterfly. dried sage leaves are a fragrant potpourri addition, pineapple in particular, Wise. This is a must have for herbal herbs home Chest. Suffering from a cold feel a relief of sage tea, tea can be cold when combined with a drop of Dallas Cowboys jersey
cider vinegar and as a gargle for sore throats and infected gums and mouth ulcers. can alleviate fresh sage leaves in the water bath to skin diseases like eczema and an infusion can be used as flushing of the scalp are used to those with psoriasis on the scalp. Epileptics should avoid the herb because it contains thujone, and therapeutic levels during pregnancy should be avoided.
Rosemary (Rosmarinus) Romero from the Mediterranean and is widespread in the temperate regions of the world distributed. In Elizabethan times, the bride and groom, carry or wear a sprig of rosemary on loyalty and customer clusters would given as a symbol of love and fidelity. During the plague, people use bags neck Romero, who was considered an air cleaner and, of course, is widely regarded worldwide as a symbol of remembrance.
As a spice rosemary is very useful, and more meat, fish, salads, eggs, fruit, vinegar and oils - the list is long. Can be used in medicine for colds, joint pain, indigestion, fatigue, sprains, dandruff, and more. Rosemary oil can be externally as insect repellent and a massage used to increase blood circulation in the joints. Rosemary tea is a good mouthwash for bad breath, drink, or in small amounts to relieve bloating and promote digestion. Added to bath water helps relieve eczema conditions and makes the hair wash perfumed that the promotion of hair growth and improved color. Rosemary oil should never be taken internally and high doses of the knife can be dangerous.
Thyme (Thymus) Thyme (Thymus serpyllum) derives its Latin name of growth by a snake. Pliny recommended as an antidote to snake bite and Romans burned thyme in the belief that to expel scorpions. It was used by the Egyptians for embalming, as incense Greeks and Romans used it as a purifier in the room. In the Middle Ages is a dose of6 Sanchez Purple AFL50th jersey
thyme said to afford to see fairies, and that Romero was one of the herbs are used in sprays to prevent disease.
Thyme is said to aid digestion and break down fatty acids and is an important part in the bouquet garni. Medically it has been used as a remedy for coughs, helps digestion and treatment for intestinal worms. Thyme stuffing pillows were compared with those of depression, where sleep disorders. It is also useful in the treatment of sore throat, pneumonia, insect bites and lends its antiseptic properties to treat wounds. Thyme oil can prevent a rash in some people and turn therapeutic doses during pregnancy.

